Partnering to help country kids thrive

13 November 2023

James Cook University (JCU) has formalised their commitment to the Thriving Queensland Kids Country Collaborative initiative, by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership (TQKP).

The Thriving Queensland Kids Country Collaborative (TQKCC) initiative is a collaboration which amplifies the voices of rural, regional and remote communities to achieve systemic change.

It brings together local leaders and organisations from across the state to collectively address the unique challenges that impact children, youth and families in country Queensland, which includes those living in regional, rural and remote communities.

The initiative is being delivered with support from The John Villiers Trust (JVT) and Tim Fairfax Family Foundation (TFFF).

JVT CEO, Lea-Anne Bradley, said the organisation is delighted to partner with TFFF to support the Country Collaborative.

“Deep, positive change takes time. It takes strong connections and partnerships – with funders, local organisations, and most importantly, communities themselves,” Ms Bradley said.

“TQKP and TQKCC is a great example of the immense value of collaboration… we can create a greater impact when we work together!

“At JVT, we love country Queensland, but there’s generally a lack of awareness of the issues faced in rural, regional and remote areas. It’s fantastic see the TQKCC helping TQKP better understand and connect to the rural, regional and remote communities they support, and working to collectively address the unique challenges that impact children, youth and families in country Queensland.”

For more information, read the media release.

Read more about JVT and ARACY / the Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership