Applying for a grant

The John Villiers Trust provides grants to projects that aim to improve the lives of children and youth living within rural regional and remote Queensland.

The John Villiers Trust accepts applications from eligible charities for projects and services taking place in Queensland which fit within our Strategic Goals.

Steps to take before applying for a grant:

  1. Ensure your organisation is eligible – check our grant guidelines
  2. Ensure your project fits our current granting priorities
  3. If you meet the above, then reach out to us to discuss your proposal – we recommend sending an enquiry via the Contact Us page, with some brief information about your proposal or any specific questions you may have.
  4. After full discussion with JVT, and if approved to continue to an EOI application, an online link will be sent requesting further information about your proposal.
  5. If approved to proceed to a Full Application, an online link will be provided to submit detailed responses to questions about your proposal.

The Board of The John Villiers Trust will meet regularly, approximately quarterly, to consider lodged EOIs and Grant Applications.

Those wishing to apply to the Trust under the EOI process must contact the Trust’s office via the Contact Us page on our website to discuss the proposal, eligibility requirements and timeframes.

For information about what to expect if you are successful in receiving a grant please see the ‘Information for Grantees’ page and read our Frequently Asked Questions.

You can also see our current Grantee Stories here: Stories – The John Villiers Trust (