Supporting ideas developed by and for youth

The John Villiers Trust (JVT) has committed $100,000 over three years to build capacity for young country people and communities, and to fund grants for Queensland organisations to implement ideas developed by youth and for youth living in rural, regional and remote communities.

March 2023

Part of the new three-year funding will allow the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR) to offer additional grants for initiatives dedicated to supporting country Queensland, through the FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants program.

The support will also help raise more awareness of FRRR in rural, regional, and remote Queensland, and the broad range of work they do to support those communities. Part of the funding will also go towards building capacity for country youth, and helping organisations connect with youth and address their identified issues.

Grants of up to $10,000 will be offered for local community groups to help fund projects developed by youth and for youth. The initiatives supported will be those that young people believe address issues that matter most to youth in rural Australia.

The needs and initiatives are identified and developed through the ABC’s Heywire Regional Youth Summit, which enables participants to be heard and make a difference to issues that matter to them.

The solutions funded directly relate to the issues they prioritise as having the greatest benefits, and must be either youth-led, or delivered by a youth-centred organisation to support youth outcomes.

Collaborating with like-minded organisations

CEO Lea-Anne Bradley says JVT is delighted to be able to fund additional grants for country Queensland, and also support the broader work of FRRR.

“The additional grants mean community organisations in rural, regional and remote Queensland will have the support and resources they need to help address some of the issues that matter most to young people,” she said.

“The funding will also help build awareness of FRRR and the amazing work they do outside of the Heywire Youth Innovation Grants program.

“We hope that offering more grants to Queensland organisations will help build relationships and connections between FRRR and country communities.”

Making a difference

The program closely aligns with JVT’s focus on supporting projects that:

Build lasting capacity and momentum

  • for country communities: by raising more awareness of FRRR and the work they do in addition to the innovation grants, to support rural, regional and remote areas.
  • for the grant recipients: by supporting organisations to work with young people.
  • for the youth involved: by engaging them in the development, assessment, and implementation of the initiatives.
  • for FRRR: by enabling them to raise more awareness of the work they do and the opportunities available to support country communities themselves and engage with country Queensland communities.

Have multiple impacts

  • Multiple issues can be addressed – as decided and prioritised by young people.
  • Ideas and initiatives will have multiple impacts for multiple audiences – youth, the community, and the grantee organisations.
  • Issues can be addressed in multiple ways in multiple communities depending on the grant recipients.
  • Multiple grants will be available to country Queensland organisations.

Build relationships that leverage collective resources

  • Opportunity to partner and collaborate with FRRR, whose work and mission are closely aligned with JVT’s.
  • Encourage and develop community partnerships with youth.
  • Build on the extended value of working with like-minded organisations like FRRR and ABC Heywire, using their complementary knowledge, connections and experience to enhance our impact.

Are community-led, driven or informed

  • Each country community is unique, and their input about their needs is crucial in shaping the most successful solutions. Grantee organisations get to decide how to best address the issues identified by young people.
  • Grants will go to organisations who will work with young people to adapt and adopt the ideas for their unique community.

Queensland community organisations are encouraged to follow JVT’s social media for updates, and be prepared to apply for a grant when the process opens on 12 April.

For more information, visit: FRRR ABC Heywire Youth Innovation Grants program.

Read more about JVT and the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal