Our story

The John Villiers Trust is all about supporting organisations working in country Queensland — organisations that are helping build better, fairer, more resilient communities. We want to spark genuine, long term change by focussing on the children and young people of rural, regional and remote Queensland.

The Trust makes grants to charitable organisations working to make a real, lasting difference in people’s lives and the places they live. JVT strives to seed transformational change in Queensland communities, change that has a meaningful impact, through active engagement and lasting partnerships. We focus on building connections with those that can help make it happen, promoting cooperation, vision and commitment.

John Villiers left the whole of his Estate (around $6.75 million) to create a philanthropic trust. It was established soon after his death on 11 July 2002 at Yeppoon, Queensland. With careful management the Trust has grown substantially in value, allowing greater amounts to be given as grants.

During 2020, The John Villiers Trust became a Public Ancillary Fund (PuAF) endorsed by the ATO and the Australian Charities and Not-For Profits commission (ACNC). This is a transformative change of our own, it broadens our scope and means that we are able to accept tax deductible donations — enabling us to partner with donors wanting to support communities in country Queensland. Our Public Ancillary Fund status, handled well, may increase both our profile and the extent of our important work.

JVT doesn’t just ‘fund projects’ — we build and strengthen connections, we actively engage and help others to do this too, but above all we aim for real, transformative impact that lasts. To deliver that impact we have agreed intent, goals and values that inform a robust strategic approach and sound support structure.

Click here to read more about John Villiers, Our Impact and how to Make a Donation.


Vision: Vibrant Queensland communities enriched by strategic giving

Our Mission: To achieve transformative impact in Queensland communities through active engagement and strong partnerships

Scope: We focus on support for children and youth in rural, regional and remote Queensland communities


Communities: Build strategic relationships to better understand the needs of communities and to inform our grant making and other activities

Partnerships: Build partnerships and engage in collaborations to leverage collective resources

Growth: Strengthen the Trust by growing its resources for expanded impact for today and tomorrow


Respect: We respect our benefactor’s legacy, and those we work with.

Transparency: We present ourselves in an open, accountable way.

Integrity:  We behave with honesty and integrity as custodians of the fund.

Collaboration: We build connections to achieve better outcomes for Queensland communities.


The Trust’s granting strategy builds on these three pillars by funding those projects or services which demonstrate transformative change impacting the wellbeing and development of children and youth in rural, regional and remote Queensland.

From inception to 2024, The John Villiers Trust has invested $11.5 million into the Queensland community. Click here to see who we are supporting.