JVT: New grants for 2024

The John Villiers Trust (JVT) approved four new grants in 2024 totalling $668,191 and distributed $517,091 in grant payments in FY24, across our 14 active grantees.

The new grants awarded for FY24 are: 

Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership: Thriving Kids in Disasters (phases 1 and 2)

JVT committed $65,000 for TQKP to undertake initial scoping and consultation work through the Thriving Kids in Disasters project to identify strengths and opportunities for improvement in Queensland’s disaster management, preparedness, and recovery arrangements to support child well- being, development and resilience.

JVT approved an additional $106,931 at the end of FY24 for a second phase of the project, to build on the findings of the phase 1 TKiD report and build partnerships and an action plan to respond to its recommendations. Read the full report or the summary report

The Bryan Education Foundation: Integrated School Hubs

The John Villiers Trust partnered with The Bryan Foundation and approved $300,000 to support The Bryan Education Foundation over two years to help to support children and families in country Queensland.

The funding supports development of a 10 year forward program for the Integrated School Hubs project focused on improving the learning and wellbeing of children and families in rural and regional Queensland.

CQUniversity & ArcBlue (2024): Q-SEED project

JVT funded phase 1 of the Q-SEED project in 2023 to help create a pilot place-based solution in Townsville to deliver socio-economic employment and procurement opportunities identified as requiring crucial attention in regional Queensland.

Due to the success of this pilot, and development of a Regional Action Plan, JVT provided an additional $196,260 to see the program progress to co-designing employment opportunities with young people, youth and support organisations, and employers in Townsville. 

For over 20 years JVT has supported a wide range of charitable projects across Queensland, with communities benefiting from $11.5 million to date in grants.

If you would like to join us in supporting transformative change for country Queensland communities, you can donate to The John Villiers Trust here.