Elizabeth Jameson AM steps down from Board but continues contribution to JVT
February 2022
Elizabeth Jameson AM has stepped down from the Board of The John Villiers Trust to focus on her other commitments but will continue her association with the Trust as a member of the Governance, Risk & Compliance Committee.
Elizabeth is a nationally respected corporate governance consultant and brings over 20 years’ experience in this area, including as the founder of national corporate governance consultancy Board Matters and associated firm Board Matters Legal.
During her time as a Director, the Trust made 26 grants of $3,064,159 to support the people of country Queensland, including the Schools Plus and Thriving Queensland Kids Partnership.
With contribution from Elizabeth, the Trust has also moved from a Private Charitable Trust to a Public Ancillary Fund (PuAF) and launched a new strategy to achieve our vision of vibrant Queensland communities enriched by strategic giving.
“I am proud to have been part of the Trust’s new direction to amplify the voice of country Queensland,” Elizabeth said.
“Our expertise in managing money well, strength in corporate governance, history of working with the community and independence from vested interests, position us well to contribute to a better outcome for rural, regional and remote communities.
“I am delighted to be able to continue to support The John Villiers Trust through a different role, supporting the Board in maintaining our reputation as a well-governed, respected trust focused on collaborating with others to support Queensland communities.”
The Board thank Elizabeth for her contribution to the Trust as a Director and for agreeing to stay and support our commitment to corporate governance excellence.